Twas the Night before Christmas, and all through the shack,
Not a creature was stirrin', cept the lice on muh back.
The Skoal cans wuz nailed to the screen door with care,
With hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there.
The children were sleepin', all snug in their beds,
While visions of tractor pulls danced in their heads.
And Ma in her nightgown all stained with pound cake, had just settled down to watch Ricki Lake.
When out in the driveway, a loud noise I heard, I opened the winder to check muh T-bird.
I ran to the door, like I's on a mission,
But I tripped on some parts from muh granny's transmission.
The moon shone outside, the hound dog wuz barkin'.
Muh daughter weren't home yet, she wuz still out parkin'.
When what to muh whiskey blind eyes should I see
But a Chevy S-10, pulled by eight flyin' sheep.
With a fat nasty driver, so disgustin' and sick I said, "Shoot Fire! That must be St. Nick!
More rapid than X-lax his wooly sheep came
And he belched and he hollered, and he called 'em by name.
From the top of the shack to them there garbage bins Now Dash Away! Dash Away! Dash Away youins!
I heard a loud sound on the roof of muh shack.
Pud down muh beer and went fer muh gun rack.
He fell through the roof, plum killed my dog, I swear that ole' Santa looked just like Boss Hog.
He wore a T-shirt, rebel flag on the front,
And his jeans were all bloody from that morning's hunt.
A big nekkid lady tattooed on his arm,
And he wore black boots that he'd picked up in 'Nam.
His eyes, how they glazed from too much Wild Turkey.
From the side of his mouth hung a stick of beef jerky.
A scar on his cheek from a fight with the cops.
The veins on his face looked ready to pop.
The butt of a Marlboro clung to his lip
He wore a hip pack full of B-B-Q chips.
He had a fat face and a hairy beer belly. I ain't seen one that big since muh ex-wife Shelly.
He was gap-toothed and dumb with an I.Q. of three And I laughed cause that redneck was smarter than me.
A wink of his eye, a fierce shake of his head, from his hair came a rat that ran under the bed.
He reached in his sack, sipped his gin and tonic, Then filled the kid's stockings with Hooked on Phonics.
His toys came from Big Lots and they weren't very nice,
But he had lots of them and yuh can't beat the price.
He gave us a tape of them hound dogs that sing Jingle Bells.
Some Crisco, some Spam, some Oatmeal Cream pies,
And a Nascar T-shirt in Double X size.
When the presents were gone and he had no more,
He staggered and stumbled right through muh screen door.
He hopped in his truck, to his sheep gave an order"Hurry up youins! To the Tennessee border!"
And I heard him cry out, with a strong southern drawl,
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Twas' the Night Before Christmas...Alabama Style
Monday, December 17, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
My Head is Spinning.....
And I can't seem to catch up with it!!! I can't believe that I haven't posted since the girls B-day! SORRY!!! Life here has been one adventure after another.....the girls b-day....then their Christmas program.....this week their classrooms Christmas parties, Big Daddy's Christmas Party & a Christmas craft that I am doing with each of the girls classes.....what was I thinking!?!?! And I'm still not even done with my shopping/making of gifts!!! So forgive me that I have not been around lately.....but as you can tell.....I really have BEEN AROUND!!! So for your patience & enjoyment.....some pictures.
The girls had a suprise visit from the "Big Guy" himself.....Santa! We of course we're prepared with our own personal Elf....Maxx.
The "Little Princesses" with Santa.....
All in all it was a "funfilled" day!
Monday, November 26, 2007
Time Flies....
Friday, November 23, 2007
The Door Frame & Gravity....
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Give Thanks....
Being that Thanksgiving is in a couple of days....I thought wouldn't it be nice to show our thanks & appreciation to those who are overseas & can't be with their families this holiday season.
If you go to this web site, you can pick out a Thank You card and Xerox will print it and it will be sent to a soldier that is currently serving in Iraq . You can't pick out who gets it, but it will go to some member of the armed services. How AMAZING it would be if we could get everyone we know to send one!!!
This is a great site, so please send a card. It's FREE!!! It doesn't cost us anything, but a moment of our time!!! Wouldn't it be wonderful if the soldiers received a bunch of these? Whether you are for or against the war, our guys and gals over there need to know we are behind them . . .
Friday, November 16, 2007
Loose Tooth & Life Lessons....
Well it's finally happened....we have our first loose tooth! This morning Kaitlynd came to me saying that her "teeth hurt." Sure enough, I looked & saw that she has a loose tooth & one coming in right behind it. As I was explaining to her that she was losing a tooth, she began to cry. I asked her, "why are you crying?" She said, "Because I'm gonna lose my tooth!" Once I calmed her down & explained to her that even though she was losing a tooth, that another one was coming in to take it's place & that she wasn't going to have teeth like Grandpa....she felt better. Big Daddy also explained about the tooth fairy which seemed to excite her.
After we reached Big Daddy's place of employment to drop him off for the day, the conversation continued & went a little something like this......
Kaitlynd: Mommy, I'm 'cited about losing my tooth!
Kailee: I'm NOT! I don't have one!!!
Me: Kailee, it will happen
Kailee: No it won't!
Me: Yes it will Honey. Your sister just happens to be losing her tooth first.
Kailee: She always goes first!
Me: Not walked before your sister, when you were a baby.
Kailee: I walk like a baby?!
Me: Nooo....when you were learning to walk, you walked first. You learned before Kaitlynd.
Kaitlynd: Yeah, when I was a baby, (pointing to her knees) I moved on these.
Me: Yes, you still crawled when your sister was walking.
Kailee: I walked before sister?
Me: Yes....people do things at different times...your sister is losing her tooth first, you walked first....who knows, you may even get your boobies before sister.
Kailee: I'm gonna have boobies?!
Kaitlynd: Yeah, when your a Big Girl.
Me: Yes, Honey, it's part of growing up & being a girl. I have boobies.
Kailee: But your a Mommy.
Me: Yes, but I got boobies when I was a little girl....about the age of your friends...Laura & Erica. Kaitlynd: They don't have big boobies....
Kailee: They don't have boobies....they have titties!!!
The conversation ended after that, because I was laughing so hard!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Simply Amazing!!!
These are just absolutely AMAZING!!! They're made from Marzipan...."cake frosting." But there is just NO WAY I'd be able to take a bite!!! To see more of this amazing talent go here...Camille Allen. She is truly talented!!!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Sunday Smiles
One evening a husband, thinking he was being funny, said to his wife
"Perhaps we should start washing your clothes in Slim Fast. Maybe it would take a few inches off of your butt!!"
His wife was not amused, and decided that she simply couldn't let such a comment go unrewarded.
The next morning the husband took a pair of underwear out of his drawer.
"What the heck is this??" he said to himself as a little white dust cloud appeared when he shook them out.
"April," he hollered into the bathroom, "Why did you put talcum powder in my underwear?"
She replied with a snicker... "It's not talcum powder. . . It's Miracle Grow."
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Vodka.....and it's many uses!!!
Who knew that Vodka was more than just an ingredient in my "Bloody Mary's?" All this time I've only been drinking the stuff.....Silly Me!!!! But as "Big Daddy" says, now we REALLY have reasons to keep a HUGE bottle in the house!!!
1. To remove a bandage painlessly, saturate the bandage with vodka. The solvent dissovles adhesive.
2. To clean the caulking around bathtubs and showers, fill a trigger-spray bottle with vodka, spray the caulking, let set five minutes and wash clean. The alcohol in the vodka kills mold and mildew.
3. To clean your eyeglasses, simply wipe the lenses with a soft, clean cloth dampened with vodka. The alcohol in the vodka cleans the glass and kills germs.
4. Prolong the life of razors by filling a cup with vodka and letting your safety razor blade soak in the alcohol after shaving. The vodka disinfects the blade and prevents rusting.
5. Spray vodka on vomit stains, scrub with a brush, and then blot dry.
6. Using a cotton ball, apply vodka to your face as an astringent to cleanse the skin and tighten pores.
7. Add a jigger of vodka to a 12-ounce bottle of shampoo. The alcohol cleanses the scalp, removes toxins from hair, and stimulates the growth of healthy hair.
8. Fill a sixteen-ounce trigger-spray bottle and spray bees or wasps to kill them.
9. Pour one-half cup vodka and one-half cup water in a ziploc freezer bag and freeze for a slushy, refreshable ice pack for aches, pain or black eyes.
10. Fill a clean, used mayonnaise jar with freshly packed lavender flowers, fill the jar with vodka, seal the lid tightly and set in the sun for three days. Strain liquid through a coffee filter, then apply mixture to aches and pains.
11. To relieve a fever, use a washcloth to rub vodka on your chest and back as a liniment.
12. To cure foot odor, wash your feet with vodka.
13. Vodka will disinfect and alleviate a jellyfish sting.
14. Pour vodka over an area affected with poison ivy to remove the Urushiol oil from your skin.
15. Swish a shot of vodka over an aching tooth. Allow your gums to absorb some of the alcohol to numb the pain.
Friday, November 9, 2007
Great Idea....
In honor of Veterans Day, I thought I'd post this GREAT IDEA!!!
When making out your Christmas cards this year, please include the following:
A Recovering American Soldier
c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Avenue,NW
Washington,D.C. 20307-5001
It's a great way for us to continue to show support our troops & say "Thanks" for all you do!!! Besides I can't think of a nicer Christmas gift, than the thought of bringing a smile to a soldiers face!!!!
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Thought For The Day Thursday
I want to live my next life backwards:
You start out dead and get that out of the way.
Then you wake up in an old age home feeling better every day.
Then you get kicked out for being too healthy.
Enjoy your retirement and collect your pension.
Then when you start work, you get a gold watch on your first day.
You work 40 years until you're too young to work.
You get ready for High School: drink alcohol, party, and you're generally promiscuous.
Then you go to primary school, you become a kid, you play, and you have no responsibilities.
Then you become a baby, and then...
You spend your last 9 months floating peacefully in luxury, in spa-like conditions -- central heating, room service on tap, and ...
You finish off as an orgasm.I rest my case.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
De Ja Vu......
One minute we were watching the fire whipping through the foothills behind us, the next minute we were in the house trying to pack anything & everyhting that we could, to take with us. It's an experience I never want to have to go through again. We were fortunate enough to only suffer minor damage to our yard, thanks to some quick thinking neighbors, who were adamant about staying behind. Others on our street weren't so lucky. I believe there were 7 homes lost in all on our street alone. But just up & around the corner there were whole neighborhoods that were lost.
is a Betallion Chief with the California Department of Forestry & is out there like many others, doing what he can to help. I often worry about Darren being on the "frontlines", but he is doing what he loves & has always wanted to do. From the time we were little, I can remember him wanting to be a firefighter! He has now been living his dream for 20 plus years & is GOOD at what he does!!! So I just try & keep that in mind at times like these. We also have some lifelong family friends that are being effected by the fires burning in Lake Arrowhead.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Okay, okay already!!! I know, I know!!!! I've been a baaaaaad slaaaaaacccckkker Southern Fried Chicky. I can go into the long drawn out explanation as of to why I haven't been a bloggin' like I should, but that would just take too long!!! So let's just chalk it up to it being that time of year......holidays, the girls birthday, the school fall festivities, still trying to make our house a home.....just been busy folks!!! But seeing as how it's the beginning of a new week, I thought I'd give it a shot to try & start the week out on the right foot, so to speak! (This does count as a post right?)
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
My Kind of Meal.....
Yesterday I went to the doctor for my yearly physical. My blood pressure was high, my cholesterol was high, I'd gained some weight, and I didn't feel so hot. My doctor said eating right doesn't have to be complicated and it would solve my physical problems. He said just think in colors...Fill your plate with bright colors.... greens,yellows, reds, etc. I went right home and ate an entire bowl of :
And sure enough, I felt better immediately. I never knew eating right could be so easy.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
Support Group: W.O.A.H.
As I was doing my morning reads, I came across this one at Mom-O-Matic. I am so joining her new support group W.O.A.H Lately the girls & I are lucky if we get to eat dinner with Big Daddy, with all the side work he has!!! Don't get me wrong, the side work comes in handy & helps out in a BIG WAY....but some quality family time would be nice too!!! At least now I now that I'm not alone.....& that there is support out there for others like me!!! LOL
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Our House
Friday, September 21, 2007
We Interrupt.....

Thursday, September 13, 2007
Please Excuse....
Southern Fried Chicky for being absent lately, but she has been in the process of putting together a new "chicken coop" for her & her family! Once she is done putting everything in it's right place, she will be back to share pictures! Until then she leaves you this little tidbit to ponder......
Eight Words with two Meanings
1. THINGY (thing-ee) n. Female...... Any part under a car's hood. Male..... The strap fastener on a woman's bra.
2. VULNERABLE (vul-ner-a-bel) adj. Female.... Fully opening up one's self emotionally to another. Male.... Playing football without a cup.
3. COMMUNICATION (ko-myoo-ni-kay-shun) n. Female... The open sharing of thoughts and feelings with one's partner. Male... Leaving a note before taking off on a fishing trip with the boys.
4. COMMITMENT (ko-mit-ment) n. Female.... A desire to get married and raise a family. Male...... Trying not to hit on other women while out with this one.
5. ENTERTAINMENT (en-ter-tayn-ment) n. Female..... A good movie, concert, play or book. Male. . Anything that can be done while drinking beer.
6. FLATULENCE (flach-u-lens) n. Female.... An embarrassing by product of indigestion. Male...... A source of entertainment, self-expression, male bonding.
7. MAKING LOVE (may-king luv) n. Female.... The greatest expression of intimacy a couple can achieve. Male.. Call it whatever you want, just as long as we do it.
8. REMOTE CONTROL (ri-moht kon-trohl) n. Female.... A device for changing from one TV channel to another. Male... A device for scanning through all 375 channels every 5 minutes.
He said . . I don't know why you wear a bra; you've got nothing to put in it.
She said . . You wear pants don't you?
He said . . . Why are married women heavier than single women?
She said . .. Single women come home, see what's in the fridge and go to bed. Married women come home, see what's in bed and go to the fridge.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Wacky Wednesday
Life as I know it is as hectic as ever!!! In between the "daily duties," I have also been trying to get back into my "crafting ways."
I decided that since the girls must wear uniforms to school, I'd try to personalize them somehow. But no....according to the principle the school board set standards for a reason, what the reason is, I don't know, but none the less SFC will abide by the rules....well, sorta. As I have been told lately, "there is more than one way to skin a cat." So I took it upon myself (with the blessing of the principle) to "customize" their shoes. So out I went, bought the white canvas tennis shoes & necessary items needed to make "girly shoes" to go with their uniforms. Talk about "freaking cute"!!! (Yeah, I'm patting myself on the back) I'm still in the process of completing them, but I will have pictures to share, once I can get "Big Daddy" to download (I need to learn) the pictures from the camera.
As well as the shoes, I also sketched out a dress design, that I'm making for the "twinsisters." Again, it's too "freaking cute"!!! I will of course share photos of that as well, but in doing so I want to "bask in the love" of everyones praises for my creations!!! LOL
On an another it just me or has anyone else started to "freak out" that (if my calculations are correct)there is only 129 days until Christmas!!! I know some of you are thinking, "what's there to freak out about....there's plenty of time." But if y'all have the kinda "clock" I have (lost track of time )....the next thing ya' know, it's only a week until Christmas, & ya' ain't got crap done.....hence the reason, I'm freaking out a little now, in hopes of actually getting a jump on it this year. Not too mention, the stores are already going out of there way to "throw Christmas" in yer face. No wonder by the time it gets here, so many of us are just counting the hours for it to be over....but as I said I'm hoping to change my attitude this year.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Friday Funk
Ever have those moments of sheer & utter laziness??? I know I can't be the only one who has them....or am I?
Lately, I've been just feeling kinda "blah"! Maybe it's the (side)effects from all the medication & drugs I've been hopped on, due to this sinus infection....or could it be that I am going thru "spicy bloody mary" withdrawal....maybe a combination of the two??? Don't get me wrong I've got plenty to do, but just no ummmmppfffff to do it!!!
I am constantly going over in my head things that I could do or should be doing....but that's about as far as I get. Anyone have any ideas how to conquer this "FUNK?" Hmmm...maybe a couple of bloody marys would help!!! Or I could always just take Maxine's advice.....
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Look Who's Here.....
It's's me!!! Yes, I'm here....I'm really here!!! I have been such a slacker lately, but with good reason!!! Between "MaryAnn & Ginger" starting school, Big Daddy's car in the shop, everyone fighting a cold, (I of course am losing the fight) I feel like a rubberband being pulled in several different directions.
Things look to be getting a little better, starting to have a little bit of normalcy around here in time I will be right back in the swing of, blog, bloggin' away!!! Until then here's a little something to make you think.....or at least bring a smile to your face!!!
I want to live my next life backwards:You start out dead and get that out of the way.
Then you wake up in an old age home feeling better every day.
Then you get kicked out for being too healthy.
Enjoy your retirement and collect your pension.
Then when you start work, you get a gold watch on your first day.
You work 40 years until you're too young to work.
You get ready for High School: drink alcohol, party, and you're generally promiscuous.
Then you go to primary school, you become a kid, you play, and you have no responsibilities.
Then you become a baby, and then...
AND THEN ...You spend your last 9 months floating peacefully in luxury, in spa-like conditions -- central heating, room service on tap, and ...
You finish off as an orgasm.I rest my case.
Friday, August 10, 2007
I know....I know.....
But rest assured.....all is okay....just a little hectic at the moment. Not to worry though, I am living life as Maxine would.....
Promise to be back in full swing, with all the details of this past week!
Friday, August 3, 2007
Forever Friends....
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY "DOMESTIC CHICKY"!!! Just wish I was there with you to help celebrate another year!!! Miss you bunches & loves you even more!!! And in honor of today being your birthday, I wanted to share these little laughs with you & others!
Maxine on 'Aging' 'Take every birthday with a grain of salt. This works much better if the salt accompanies a Margarita.' (those are words to live by)
So my buddy, my amiga, my chica among chicas, my bestest friend....have a most WONDERFUL DAY & be sure to have a margarita....or at least some tequila!!!
Oh & just something for y'all to think about.....
'Do you realize that in about 40 years, we'll have millions of old ladies running around with tattoos and pierced navels? (Now that's scary!) '
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Antique Mommy
I told y'all that if I found any other blogs worth reading, I'd let ya' know. Well "Antique Mommy" is just that!!! She is an absolutely wonderful writer...the kind that paints a picture with her words...making you feel as if you're right there & leaves you wanting more! Please go check out her blog...I guarantee you will NOT be disappointed!
Monday, July 30, 2007
Gotta Love the Marines.....
Well at least I do....being married to a (former) Marine! As "Big Daddy" always says...."Once a Marine, ALWAYS a Marine. I always heard that saying, little did I know how true it was until I married one. HOORAH!!! Below is some pictures taken of Marine Helicopters....look closely at just how sneaky those Marines are..


Saturday, July 28, 2007
Some GREAT finds...
Okay people the last few days I have been introduced to some GREAT BLOGS!!! So I'm just gonna take some time out here & let you know who they are. The first comes to me from my BF Dee. It is none other than a Mr. Kevin Charnas...who is not only a great & informative read, but a funny one as well. Here is a sampling of just one of his entries.....Whales Are Hot..... & this one is one of my favorites, I laughed so hard I cried!!! Farts are FUNNY....ALWAYS. Here are a few others I want to give shout outs too as far as GREAT READS!!!
Redneck Mommy
I Am Bossy
Chicky Chicky Baby
Please be sure to check them out! As I come across more "great reads" I will be sure to share!!!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
More On The "C" Word
This is an informative video that was sent to me in regards to "IBC" (Inflammatory Breast Cancer). Please feel free to share it with those around you!
Laugh a Little....
Okay people.....seeing as how I was on a more "serious mission" yesterday, I thought today we'd all just take some time out to "laugh a little." This bit of humor comes from my "California Chickies," whom I miss very much, but continually keep the smiles coming!!!
Butt Measurement.....
A man and his wife were working in their garden 1 day. And the man looks over at his wife and says: "Your butt is getting really big, I mean really big. I bet your butt is bigger than the barbecue."
With that, he proceeded to get a measuring tape and measured the grill and then went over to where his wife was working and measured his wife's bottom. "Yes, I was right, your butt is 2" wider than the barbecue!!!"
The woman chose to ignore her husband.
Later that night in bed, the husband is feeling a little frisky. He makes some advances towards his wife who completely brushes him off.
"What's wrong?" he asks.
She answers: " Do you really think I'm going to fire up this big-ass grill for one little weenie ?"
I don't care who you are.....that was FUNNY!!! And speaking of husbands and grilling....
And last but not least....something just to make you think.....
Why is it that most nudists are people you don't want to see naked?
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
The "C" Word....
You're never to old to learn!!! As I was doing my morning "blog reads" I came across one post that hit me kinda hard. It was posted on the blog of The Moosh, but written by Whymommy at Toddler Planet. I wanted to share this post, because it is very informative & I think we can all stand to learn something new every day.
We hear a lot about breast cancer these days. One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetimes, and there are millions living with it in the U.S. today alone. But did you know that there is more than one type of breast cancer?
I didn’t. I thought that breast cancer was all the same. I figured that if I did my monthly breast self-exams, and found no lump, I’d be fine.
Oops. It turns out that you don’t have to have a lump to have breast cancer. Six weeks ago, I went to my OB/GYN because my breast felt funny. It was red, hot, inflamed, and the skin looked…funny. But there was no lump, so I wasn’t worried. I should have been. After a round of antibiotics didn’t clear up the inflammation, my doctor sent me to a breast specialist and did a skin punch biopsy. That test showed that I have inflammatory breast cancer, a very aggressive cancer that can be deadly.
Inflammatory breast cancer is often misdiagnosed as mastitis because many doctors have never seen it before and consider it rare. “Rare” or not, there are over 100,000 women in the U.S. with this cancer right now; only half will survive five years. Please call your OB/GYN if you experience several of the following symptoms in your breast, or any unusual changes: redness, rapid increase in size of one breast, persistent itching of breast or nipple, thickening of breast tissue, stabbing pain, soreness, swelling under the arm, dimpling or ridging (for example, when you take your bra off, the bra marks stay – for a while), flattening or retracting of the nipple, or a texture that looks or feels like an orange (called peau d’orange). Ask if your GYN is familiar with inflammatory breast cancer, and tell her that you’re concerned and want to come in to rule it out.
There is more than one kind of breast cancer. Inflammatory breast cancer is the most aggressive form of breast cancer out there, and early detection is critical. It’s not usually detected by mammogram. It does not usually present with a lump. It may be overlooked with all of the changes that our breasts undergo during the years when we’re pregnant and/or nursing our little ones. It’s important not to miss this one.
Inflammatory breast cancer is detected by women and their doctors who notice a change in one of their breasts. If you notice a change, call your doctor today. Tell her about it. Tell her that you have a friend with this disease, and it’s trying to kill her. Now you know what I wish I had known before six weeks ago.
You don’t have to have a lump to have breast cancer.
P.S. Feel free to steal this post too. I’d be happy for anyone in the blogosphere to take it and put it on their site, no questions asked. Dress it up, dress it down, let it run around the place barefoot. I don’t care. But I want the word to get out. I don’t want another young mom — or old man — or anyone in between — to have to stare at this thing on their chest and wonder, is it mastitis? Is it a rash? Am I overreacting? This cancer moves FAST, and early detection and treatment is critical for survival.
Thank you.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Conversations of 5 yr olds....
Kaitlynd: Sister how many friends do you have in class? I have four.
Kailee: I have lots of friends.
Kaitlynd: What's their names?
Kailee: There's Sonora....Jackson, Frankie, Jackie.....Jackie was my first friend, 'member Mommy?
Me: Uhh met her the first day of school.
Kailee: Yeah, that's her.
Kaitlynd: You want to meet my friends, Sister?
Kailee: O'kay, only if you tell them my name, though.
Kaitlynd: I've already told my friends your name. My friend Samantha even gave me a cracker to give to you, but I ate it. (she says giggling)
Kailee: You ate it??? That wasn't very nice Sister.
Kaitlynd: I'm sorry sister.....but I couldn't put it in my lunchbag, because it was wet from my water bottle. (still giggling)
Kailee: What kind of cracker was it?
Kaitlynd: was good!
Kailee: time don't eat my it for me.
Kaitlynd: Okay Sister.....I won't eat it next time.
Kailee: G'night you.
Kaitlynd: Love you too Sister, G'night.
This was our bedtime conversation lastnight. It's moments like these that make my heart smile!
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Blogger Block...???
Ever have blogger block? Where you're not sure just what to write or if what you have to say is even remotely interesting? Well, I seem to be experiencing that today. So again, I share with you someone who inspires me....makes me smile if not laugh...& usually "tells it like it is." I am talking about one of my all time favorite women MAXINE!!!
Below are just a few of my favorites..... And last but not least.....advice we can all learn from....
Friday, July 20, 2007
Geography Lesson....

Thursday, July 19, 2007
I'm Just Curious.....
When asked this riddle, 80% of kindergarten kids got the answer, compared to 17% of Stanford University seniors...
My girls aren't home to I thought I'd turn to y'all!!! Slap my ass & call me stupid......but for the life of me I can't figure it out!!! What about y'all?
What is greater than God, More evil than the devil, The poor have it, The rich need it, And if you eat it, you'll die?
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
The Battle Continues..... I can relate!!! At least I'm not to the point where I have to go to the doctor & pay him, just so someone will look at me naked!!! Fortunately for me "Big Daddy" still enjoys the view.....although looking at myself in the mirror I have to sometimes wonder "why?" How is it that it (the weight) can come on so easily, but when you're trying to get rid of it, it becomes the "battle of all battles?" I'm proud of the weight I've lost this far (37 lbs.), but times of NOT losing anything.....this is where I start to get discouraged!!! But I continue to hear that little voice in my head "you pick & choose your own battles....don't let this one KICK YOUR ASS!!!" It's then that I force myself to stand in front of the mirror (naked)...."jiggle" my belly.....wave my "bingo arms" & "slap" my ass, telling myself that "YOU CAN DO THIS.....YOU CAN DO THIS.....YOU WILL DO THIS!!! So the battle continues....but I also keep in mind, "Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn-out, shouting, 'Holy shit! What a ride!"
Monday, July 16, 2007
Chicky Nuggets....
As you can tell I changed the header to my blog! Isn't it a GREAT resemblance!?!?! Just something else new I'm trying my hand at.....photoshop.
Anyway, today the girls started "bridges" (the transitional phase-before school starts). I think it was harder on me, then the two of them. They both were real little troopers, until they were actually seperated & on their way to their own class....then the tears came....theirs & mine both! What is it about seeing someone you care about crying, that makes you join in? I thought, hec, I've already been through this in California, this time will be easy....but then the dreaded day came where they were off to "SEPERATE" classes!!! AAUUUUUGGGHHHH!!! But the day came & went....all was good!
As we were driving home, I sat listening to the two of them share their day with one another....the new friends they met....their teachers.....what they did....etc. It was all I could do to hold back the tears again.....but this time "happy" babies made it through the day, in their own classrooms, with their own teachers, making new friends..... & they SURVIVED!!! How PROUD am I of my two little "Chicky Nuggets?" VERY PROUD!!! Although it does go back to that feeling of....."they're both growing up so fast."
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Highly Recommended....
I just finished reading "It Ain't All About the Cookin' " by my all time favorite Ms. Paula Deen. I am the proud owner of her cook books, which I also highly recommend (especially if ya' like "downhome cookin') In this book it's not just recipes.....although it does contain some of her favorites. It is more of a "memoir" so to speak. She talks openly & honestly about her relationships (with her two boys Jamie & Bobby, her 1st & 2nd marriages).....the good, the bad, & the ugly.....& just how they overcame the difficulties to get where they are today. As I said it was a GREAT read....& made me realize just how much more I admire & respect this woman, Paula Deen. She is just as much "down to earth" & "human" as the rest of us out there!!! reading her book has given me a new inspiration to follow my own hopes & matter how far out of reach they may seem....& for that I say "Thank You Paula Deen."
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Walter and Jeff Dunham # 1
Just wanted to start the day off with a I thought I'd share this little video clip from one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE comedians Jeff Dunham! Be sure to check out some of his other acts on "youtube" as well!!!
Monday, July 9, 2007
Another Great Read.....
This morning as I was cruising through some of my "favorite blogs", I happened upon another GREAT read....Mom O Matic!!! She is hilariously funny & tells it like it is!!! I can't recommend enough for y'all to take a gander at her blog.....especially if you want a good giggle! She pretty much sums it all up for us "Stay at home Moms," from the "pity-sex" to the daily ins & outs of "working," (yes, I said WORKING) Stay at home Moms.
Friday, July 6, 2007
Laughter is the BEST medicine.......
Thursday, July 5, 2007
As I look at this picture of my Kailee....I often wonder what was going through her mind? What could she be thinking, if anything? The reason I ask myself this is....Kailee is one, that when she sees a camera aimed at her, she immediately "hams it up," she is very much "My Little Poser." But here, she is just looking at me intently with those eyes of innocence (which I hope she has for many years to some), which has to make me wonder.
Monday, July 2, 2007
Inquiring Minds Want to Know.....
My friend Monique sent me these questions to I thought I'd share the answers with all of you, so you could possibly get a little more insight to exactly "Who is Southern Fried Chicky?" As you read the questions....think of how you might answer them & let me know!!!
My favorite perfume : Happy by Clinque
My favorite restaurants are: The LoneStar & Two Guys (in California)
I like clothes from: Cato Fashions & anywhere I might find them that fit!!! LOL
Little things that make me happy: My daughters laughing & good friends.
My favorite color or colors are: Yellow & Green
Red wine or white wine: Spicy Bloody Marys
Milk chocolate or dark chocolate: I don't discriminate...chocolate is a close personal friend of mine!!!
Popcorn or potato chips: Funyuns
Silver or gold jewelry: Diamonds....might like to have some more, some day!!! BIG ONES!
R&B or Oldies: Soft Jazz
Love stories or dramas: My twins are enough I'm thinking comedies
PJ's or nightgowns: nightgowns
Books or magazines: both
Shopping or catalog shopping: Who has money for shopping???
Weekend getaways or quiet weekends at home: If I coule have either one it would be a miracle
Spring, summer, fall or winter: Love the fall
Name I would pick other than my own: Kinda like my name, but maybe Penelope....LOL
Things you don't know about me: That's Classified Information
Thought for the day... "I live in my own little world. But it's OK...they know me here. "
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Thought For The Day.....
I thought I'd share a thought with you, seeing as how so many of them are shared with me! LOL This one comes from my good friend Becky. I am going to try & share at least "ONE" a day.....maybe more....ya' just never know. So if y'all have any thoughts that you'd like to share, funny, inspirational, clever etc.....send them my way.
"I love being married. It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life. "
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
9 Words Women Use
My good friend Lori in California sent this to me & it is just too GOOD to keep to myself!!! So I thought I'd share it with all of you! Enjoy!!!
1. Fine: This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.
2. Five Minutes: If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.
3. Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine.
4. Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It!
5. Loud Sigh: This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to #3 for the meaning of nothing.)
6. That's Okay: This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.
7. Thanks: A woman is thanking you, do not question, or faint. Just say you're welcome.
8. Whatever: Is a women's way of saying F@#K YOU!
9. Don't worry about it, I got it: Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking "What's wrong?" For the woman's response refer to #3.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Just for Giggles....
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
There's No Place Like Home!
Well, we're back home & finally getting back into somewhat of a routine again! As y'all know it's nice to visit, but even better to get back home!!! I don't know whose happier we're home, the girls, Pete, or Boscoe!!! LOL
The girls will be starting "Bridges," on July 16th. It is a program offered through the school district to help them with the transistion from being home to going to school. The girls are really looking forward to starting school again & making new friends. They will however be in different classes, but I've explained to them that they will still be able to have recesses & lunch together. So we'll see.....let's keep our fingers crossed that it will work!
Big Daddy is doing well, other than getting tired a little more easily than usual.....but the healing process takes time. He is however HAPPY to be back at work & doing something with his days! It's nice to know that he LOVES his job & actually MISSED working....otherwise there might be a problem!
As for me....I'm hanging in there! Still trying to adjust back from the time change & getting back to my "normal" routine. I did however manage to lose more weight while I was gone, which is SURPRISING!!! So I have now lost a total of (drumroll) 35 lbs. WOOHOO!!! I of course still have a long ways to go, but at least it's a start!!!
Once I get the pictures downloaded from our trip, I will be sure to share them with all of you, so y'all can see for yourself what I was talking about in earlier posts.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Sweet Home Alabama.....
Just 2 days & counting til' we board the plane home to Alabama!!! Things here have been nice, but I am ready to go home!!! Big Daddy is just as ready as I am, if not more so.....I think he's going a little stir crazy & really looking forward to getting back to work. The girls are just as anxious to get back home to Boscoe, Margalo & their Grandma & Grandpa. Here lately they both have been crying at night how much they miss their Grandma & Grandpa!!! As the old saying goes......"There's No Place Like Home."
Saturday, June 9, 2007
I just got back from a drive with Big Daddy & the girls. He took us around his hometown & some of his ol' stomping grounds! It took us all of 60-70 minutes to see all of it....told you it was small!!! The scenery was beautiful, but as I said the homes & architecture are dated back to the early 1900's. Some of the architecture is INCREDIBLE though! The churches are just beautiful with their "bell towers" & steeples. It's strange to wake up to the sound of church bells on a Sunday morning, but at the same time very you that "small hometown" feeling.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Road to Recovery....
Big Daddy is slowly but surely returning to his ol' self. He's still a little slow in getting around, but has been able to cut down on the "pain" meds quite a bit! He actually even got out & about with me for a bit yesterday...was a little more tired than usual last night, but that was the most activity he's had since before the surgery.
Aunt Babe is still doing EXTREMELY well! The doctor's are amazed at how well she is doing for a "donor receipient," especially with her given medical history. So other than that "bump in the road" from Big Daddy, all is going great!
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
A Bump In The Road...
So sorry I haven't been here lately to update y'all on the goings on....but needless to say I haven't had the time!!! Let me explain....Saturday morning as I was getting ready to go pick up Big Daddy from the hospital, he calls. He tells me that things aren't going too good & that there was the possibility that he would not be going home, due to his O2 levels were EXTREMELY low. So even though I was disappointed with the "bump in the road," I pretty much prepared myself for the fact that he wasn't coming home & the drive back to Ford City (a.k.a. Mayberry) by myself. I did not prepare myself however for what I saw when I entered his room! There was Big Daddy laying there with this "EVIL MASK" was called a Bi-pap. He couldn't talk to me, his lips were dry & seriously Big Daddy wasn't looking so BIG at the moment. My eyes filled with tears, fear of NOT knowing what was wrong with him....after all I was suppose to be picking him up to take him home!!!
As the day went on, they were fearing the worst....the possibility of a blood clot in his lungs and were trying to get his breathing stable enough to send him for a VQ-Scan to verify if he had a clot or not. Dr. Tan felt that Pete didn't have one, but he couldn't rule it out until he knew for sure, because his breathing was so bad. Finally around 2:00 they were getting him ready to gurney over for the scan. By the time Pete got out of the bed & walked to the gurney, his breathing had gotten worse. The nurse hooked him back up to the O2 & waited to see if his O2 levels would increase & his heart rate would decrease.....but by the look on her face I knew things weren't good!!! She immediately was asking him if he was having chest pain or if he was dizzy or lightheaded....all Big Daddy said was that he was cold & very thirsty. By this time her phone rings & it was the "on-call" soon as the nurse clicked her phone off, the doctor was in the room checking Pete's O2 levels & his vitals. She then informs me that she is definitely NOT comfortable sending him over for the scan in his current condition, but was in fact sending him down to ICU. That's all it took for me to lose it!!! As she was trying to reassure me that it was just a precautionary method, that he was fine, all I kept hearing was ICU....ICU...."Mr. Brauers are you having chest pains?"......"are you sure Mr. Brauers that you are not having any chest pains?" So as you can imagine I was thinking the worst....."OMG, they think Big Daddy is having a heart attack!!!" They again tried to reassure me that all was o'kay that this was just "precautionary." By the time I was able to go & see him in ICU they had "The Evil Mask" back on him, as well as a couple of other machines. Dr. Tan explained that he still didn't think that it was a blood clot, but they could no longer wait for the VQ-scan to verify, so the went ahead & started a "blood-thinning" IV to be on the safe side....just in case it was a blood clot, the medicine would begin to thin his blood & break-up the clot. He also said that he ordered ultra-sounds to be done on his legs to see if there was any clotting there....due to clotting usually starts in the legs & then can break off from there & enter into the chest....but that if there was no clotting indicated there, it was very unlikely that he would have one in his chest. As time seemed to drag on....we did get the good news that there was NO CLOTS in the legs, but that didn't mean that there wasn't still the possibility of one in his lungs, but that they still had to wait for his breathing to stabilize before they could send him over for the scan. So we waited & waited & waited.....finally about 7:00 pm they remove "The Evil Mask" from him to see how he would do, just on the regular O2 mask. The nurse told me that he still needed to stabilize more before they could do the scan, but that his levels were looking good thus far. By the time I left for the night, I was an emotional mess. His nurse told me that I could call later that evening to check on his at 11:00 pm I called. She informed me that he was doing just fine, that they went for the VQ-scan & that according to what the tech indicated there was "low probability" of a clot. She said that Big Daddy at this time was no longer on "The Evil Mask" & that they were even weening him to a smaller O2 mask. She would however call me at 7:00 am to let me know for sure what was found on the scan after conferring with the doctor. As promised, Valerie called at 7:00....there were NO CLOTS found!!! I of course was elated, but still questioning what the problem was. As I arrived at the ICU on Sunday, Big Daddy looked MUCH better than he had the night prior. He also informed me that they were getting ready to transfer him back up to a "regular" room!!! Again I was totally happy, but still wondering what the problem was! Finally, later that afternoon, Dr. Tan explained that Big Daddy had some damage to his right lung from NO MORE SMOKING & that his left lung had something "funky" going on....possibly pneumonia. Big Daddy said that he had been coughing "gunk" up, so the good Dr. prescribed him an antibiotic to clear that up & nicotine patches to help with the "nicotine" withdrawals. If all went well Big Daddy would be released on Monday....6/4/07. In between all this going on, Big Daddy was having "nightsweats," running a fever, & had a rash all over his legs & arms. Dr. Tan thought that Pete might be having an allergic reaction to one of the meds, but was unsure of what, because he had had so many.
The good news is....Big Daddy is home where he belongs!!!His staples were removed today & his incisions look GREAT!!! His pain is slowly subsiding, he's getting up & moving around a little easier with each day, we now have his "nightsweats" under control (Doc thinks it was from nicotine withdrawal) & are working on getting the rash taken care of with Benadryl & Hydracortizone.
Again I apologize for not updating everyone sooner, but I'm sure after the above explanation, y'all can understand why!
PS: Pictures to be coming soon!!!
Thursday, May 31, 2007
The Tale of Two Kidneys....
It all started at 3:30 am on Wednesday morning....ever try waking up two 5yr. olds that early???...NOT FUN!!! We arrived at the hospital at 5:00 & "Big Daddy" was taken to the back at approximately 5:30 for some paperwork, bloodwork, etc. We were than allowed to go back & see him for a few moments prior to his trip to pre-op. He of course at this time was calm & I was the one who was nervous! The girls weren't exactly sure what to think, but by the expressions on their faces I could tell they were scared. By 6:40 they came for Pete to take him for pre-op, so the girls & I went into the waiting room where we waited and waited and waited and waited. Meanwhile, my MIL was with Aunt Babe (the receipient) of the kidney. She said they came for Aunt Babe around 7:00, so she too came down to the waiting room where we continued to wait and wait and wait some more!!! Finally at about 12:20 I was called to the back where Dr. Tan informed me that the surgery was a success & that "Big Daddy" did excellent! He said that the kidney was GREAT size, color, & condition....that Pete was doing well, that only 2 tbsp. of blood was lost, & other than being a little groggy & sore, he was still "peeing like a racehorse," & once "Big Daddy" was out of recovery & in a room they would notify me so we could go visit him. Dr. Tan also informed me that Aunt Babe was still in surgery, that things were going good, but it would be approximately another 2 hours, before we heard anything from Dr. Shapiro. So I proceeded back to the waiting room, gave my MIL the details and continued to wait and wait and wait some more. Finally at about 3:30 I got tired of waiting and asked the status of my "Big Daddy" & Aunt Babe. I was then informed that Aunt Babe was still in surgery & she would be a little bit longer, but that things were going well. "Big Daddy was in room 1242 & had been for about an hour!!! (so much for telling me) The girls & I then left my MIL to continue the "waiting game" as we were anxious to go up to see "Big Daddy." Upon arrival to room 1242 we found "Big Daddy" asleep with a couple of IV's attached, which totally "freaked-out" the girls. It took about 5 minutes to get them to understand that the tubes hanging from "Big Daddy" were there to help him with his "owie." They both finally had me lift them up so they could give him a kiss. By 4:15 my MIL shows up finally with the news of Aunt Babe. Again everything went GREAT!!! The kidney started working as SOON as Dr. Shapiro "put it in." Aunt Babe was doing fine, she too was "peeing like a racehorse," which of course is an EXCELLENT sign!!! They actually thought Aunt Babe, might have to go to ICU due to her diabetes, but her levels were good, so she too got to come up to a room....just down the hall from Pete, 1254.
What a difference between Aunt Babe & "Big Daddy." When I walked down to check on Aunt Babe, she looked GREAT!!! She was wide awake, talking & very alert to her surroundings....where "Big Daddy" was asleep, not very co-harrant, & pretty much looked like "poo-poo."
So thank you one & all for your well wishes & prayers!!! The surgery was a success & both are doing GREAT!!!
Monday, May 28, 2007
Have you ever gone somewhere & felt as if you just stepped into a "time-warp?" That's how I felt when we arrived at "Big Daddy's" hometown....Kittanning Pennsylvania. I mean, he told me it was "smalltown," but honestly I didn't realize just how small!!! He literally drove me thru the streets (I use the term loosely) and I saw pretty much all of Kittanning in less 5 minutes!!! As driving thru the town, I felt as if I was going to see "Gomer Pyle" come running out yelling, "CITIZENS ARREST....CITIZENS ARREST." I kid you not, this little town of Kittanning which "Big Daddy" grew up in, is just like that of Mayberry!!! Don't get me wrong, it's BEAUTIFUL scenery, but the buildings are the same ones that were here (with the exception of a couple & a few name changes) 20 years ago when "Big Daddy" left home for the Marines!!! Other than that, the girls are excited about being here in "Kippsburgh."
Friday, May 25, 2007
Getting Close....
The count down continues....we have less than 24hrs. before we board a plane to Pittsburgh. If all goes well our flight should land about 1:00 in the afternoon. I have to admit as time for the surgery gets closer, I am growing a little more anxious. "Big Daddy" (Pete) confessed to me yesterday that he was getting nervous....this was at the same time he informed me his surgeon had called him. So you can imagine the thoughts that were running through my mind...but luckily "Big Daddy" informed me that it was just a social call, to see how he was feeling, if anything had changed since he saw/spoke with him last, etc. So as of right now we will be spending a few days with family in Pennsylvania, then head back to Pittsburgh on Tuesday, so "Big Daddy" can be there bright & early Wednesday morning for the surgery. So please keep us in your thoughts & prayers, as we make this adventure!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
This Says It All!!!
I got this from one of my favorite places to get unique & different gifts...."CowboyChuck!" It comes in great for those people who "have everything."